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Friday 18 August 2017

How to Save the Boer (and the rest of the West)

Where are you? The relentless Commie assault on Donald Trump and his #MAGA agenda (re. the #Charlotesville incident) during the past two weeks has shown that the very fate of Western Civilisation now hangs by the thinnest of threads. Everything that we, as Westerners, have valued for over two and a half millennia is now under siege by the scourge of Progressivism. Time is running out. Every White must now ask him/herself this fundamental question; does s/he value Western Civilisation enough to die for? Or is it just not worth it anymore? Your choice.

Value is a factor of fidelity and scarcity. Just think of gold. You can trust it to "be there tomorrow"
and it is in very limited supply. Hence its high value throughout the ages. In my opinion, this axiom
is applicable to virtually all spheres of life as a very reliable instrument of valuation.

So what then is the value of the Boer - and by extension - the value of all Whites athward of the great
demographic shifts of the 20th and 21st century? The mere fact that they, the Boers, are getting scarcer already points to an increase in (their) value. But, will they be there tomorrow? In short; do they have the necessary drive and skills to continue existing as one of the most unique groups of humans in history? And if yes, how to do so?

The Boer arrived in Africa in the middle of the 16th century. And in the last 350 years they - and (the) 18th century British colonialists - have turned the country called South Africa into the richest, most developed and most powerful in Africa, just like their American and Australian peers have done in their respective countries. But now, thanks to the multi-culti zealotry of Progressivism, the Boer, like their American counterparts, the Southeners, are threatened with extinction.

Boers are natural-born farmers. A few thousand commercial farmers feed nearly 60 million Blacks in the country. Their skills are highly sought-after  - with dozens of African governments literally begging them to resettle in their respective countries in order to feed their starving citizens. Even Russia and Georgia are encouraging Boers to come farm there. Many have left. Yet a very tough core has remained. A breed whose stubbornness could not even be broken by living in the extremely hostile environment called Black Africa for more than three centuries. Just ask "Mr Sherlock Holmes", Sir Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

It suffices to say that these harsh circumstances have bred in the Boer his remarkable abilities as (a) soldier (see, e.g. Executive Outcomes ) and medical doctor (see, e.g. Chris Barnard ). Ditto some English-speaking White South Africans.

This unique skill-set - feeding yourself, fighting off enemies and healing (yourself and kin) - is perhaps the most fundamental skill-set there is... to "be there tomorrow". To summarise; the Boer has tremendous value. Yet his isolation - in the rural areas, in primitive Africa - has seen him fatally
underestimate the currents of globalisation which the Progressive West have stirred up since the late 6os. Rurality and those Shining Cities on the Hill have always been at odds... just ask the White working-class in the American Rust Belt.

Be that as it may; the time to adapt or die is upon the Boer again. Being eternally Django'ed to sixty million Blacks will kill him, that is for sure. South Africa is turning into just another post-colonial African failed state. Time is running out. The country will soon resemble a Zimbabwean-like Mad Max hell-scape of relatively safe enclaves surrounded by starving feral hordes. In short; the Boer must make a plan. Now! But how?

In a recent interview, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump's chief strategist, brought nation(al) survival to the point.

"You have to control for three things... borders, currency and military and national identity"

Sadly the Boer only still controls one of these survival imperatives, national identity - and that only by the skin of his teeth. Only a handful of Boers , like the artist and activist Steve Hofmeyr, the writer Dan Roodt, and a few #NRx and #AltRight shit/edgelords, keep it alive - on emergency life-support, to be precise.

Yet this is by no means the sum total of what is possible. On the contrary; the IT Revolution as given the Boer (nearly) all the possibilities to survive intact, as a unique Volk. All it needs is a plan. And the necessary drive to carry out this plan.

So here it is. The Boer must simply regain control of the three imperatives Bannon outlined.

Step 1: Create a Boer currency. This could easily be done with the Wave Platform.

Step 2: Create a dapp (decentralising app) that would allow Boers to interact only with fellow Boers in terms of trade, culture, education (possibilities), etc. This could easily be done with Android App Developers.  Coders in White countries (still) sympathetic to the Boer's cause could help a lot in developing said software. Fact is; it will be the template (dapp) for them in the future too. The fate of the Boer is the fate of the rest of the West, ultimately.

Step 3: Boers should move closer together geographically to, at least, have an overview of their "borders" within there various enclaves. See #NRx theory in this regard - especially the sterling example of Singapore. Patchwork is inevitable. Decentralised power supply possibilities are numerous, e.g. bio-diesel and  Sunflower (in combination with Tesla Power Walls). Once South Africa collapses, which it inevitably will, the distances between these enclaves can be reduced or done away with altogether in order to establish a truly independent Volkstaat/republic... or even a monarchy. Who knows what the future brings. Back to controling borders; yes, that would involve fighting. And yes, weapons must be acquired. But even here tech can help by e.g. 3D printed guns, drones, surveillance equipment, Greyhat hacking, etc.

The Boer is truly the last living canary in the coal mine when it comes to the ultimate survival of based Whites, globally. And even just that makes him even more valuable by the minute.

At the end of the day, identity is genetics. Hence the terminus of Identity Politics will, inevitably, end in (a) race war. The Boers are at the front lines already. The hour is now. Where are you?

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Mandela's Empire

The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth — it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true. (Jean Baudrillard)

Bearing an analogy derived from Jorge Luis Borges` On Exactitude in Science, Baudrillard endeavoured to colloquialise his conceptualisation of simulacra into the language of the layman.

In this specific analogy, he explained how a great empire was created whilst, simultaneously, a map was created to (cartographically) plot the former/original creation. As this real-world empire grew in size and might, so did its symbolic representaion, the map. Until it, the map, eventually assumed the exact same dimensions as the original.

Then this empire crumbled into dust... as do all empires. And all that was left of this once magnificent empire, was the map - minutely depicting its original splendour, on paper.

And this is exactly what the so-called New South Africa is all about. It is not real. It is a simulacrum. A virtual MSM and popular-culture representation of a map, an abstract symbol, outlining an empire most magnificent in splendour... that never was and never will be.

21st-Century (moral) South Africa is simply an aggregate of (Western) narratives - linguistic symbols signifying an all-conflated signified that never was. In short; Nelson Mandela, the proverbial `Emperor without Clothes`.

Mandela, like his Noble Savage Empire (the Rainbow Nation), is not real. He was simply the feel-good projection of the Oediphusian anger, forlornness and despair (Satre) postmodern Westerners have been experiencing ever since they slew their, ertswhile, Father (the Christian God) on the altar of Science.

Be that as it may; Mandela, the Wits-educated Xhosa goat-herder from Qunuo, had wittingly (and hubristically) taken on the mantle of Emperor... of a map-empire that was never of his making.

Let us be frank here; Mandela basically sat in a locked room for 27 years whilst, occasionally, hitting stones into smaller stones. Apart from that, he only wrote one original text called How to be a good Communist. Nothing more, nothing less.

That said; what exactly - in (the) physical reality - in/of South Africa still, remotely, inversely represents the map called Mandelatopia accurately?

Endemic corruption, nepotism, cronyism, rape, murder and mayhem is what the real is in South Africa. Not the map; not Mandelatopia:

Yet he has attained god-like status among the feeble-minded. How come? Well, being the integer of the (Western) narratives of de-colonialisation, capitalism (neo-liberalism, now) versus communism and postmodern body/identity politics, Mandela just had to sit back (as he did in jail), bide his time - in order to let the precession of simulacra solidify - and await the outcome of these, aforementioned, great moral struggles of the West.

And that he did. Pax Americana won. The Berlin Wall fell. And seeing that the winner writes morality, the god-Man (conveniently) forgot about `how to be a good communist`and doned the Emperor`s neo-liberal clothes - for which he was rewarded with the Nobel Prize for Peace... for all those stones he so painstakingly turned into smaller stones.

And now here we stand, in the real South Africa. It is a bloody mess. A typical post-colonial African failed-state in the making. And we only have the map. The map of an empire that never was and never will be.

But yet we persist, desperately holding onto the promise of paradise. As if this map is our only salvation. For this map has become the (new) Bible. A holy script presaging and , retrospectively , validating, the new Messiah - a secular-humanist God, the Noble Savage goat-herder that will lead us to the Pearly Gates.

The Alpha and the Omega.

And this will be our ultimate undoing, for forsaking the future to placate the present will only unleash that which had no place in history in the first place... for "

… it is the map that engenders the territory and if we were to revive the fable today, it would be the territory whose shreds are slowly rotting across the map." (Jean Baudrillard)

Sunday 9 July 2017

A Way To Understand 64 Genders

Certainly one of the most underestimated consequences of Nietzsche's assertion that "God is dead" is the effect that it had on language as meaning-conveyor, in the West.

God used to be the Proto-Signifier-Signified. As signifier, He was directly connected to His signified, the Universe/Creation. In short; the Truth in and for itself. From this it follows that once He was declared "dead", meaning was left with no signifier reference/foundation. The Universe became a "signified" orphan, so to speak - a meaning only onto itself. This was not unlike when, e.g., Thomas Kuhn enthroned Einstein as proto-signifier of the signified Science. Ditto Darwin as proto-signifier
of the signified Life.

Flesh and blood humans are obviously not words... just ask Robinson Crusoe, but, with the passing of time, they, the paradigmatic ones,  do become symbols. And language is a system of symbols  - comprising signifiers and signifieds, be it in normal language - as in the word 'apple' signifying the crunchy red fruit - or in Morse code, or 2D QR codes.

Back to God; His "death" caused many meaning-giving locales to be questioned in earnest. The first sphere it hit home the hardest was the discipline of Philosophy, obviously.

Enter Ludwig Wittgenstein; a man described by the brilliant Cambridge mathematician and philosopher Bertrand Russel as "the most perfect example I have ever known of genius as traditionally conceived; passionate, profound, intense, and dominating". (source)

Despite having no undergraduate degree, Wittgenstein's 75-page book Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, plus a few years of (previous) residency, was accepted by Cambridge as a PhD. He was subsequently appointed as a lecturer and was made a fellow of Trinity College.

Wittgenstein sums his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus up as;

 "... the theory of what can be expressed (gesagt) by prop[osition]s—i.e.
by language—(and, which comes to the same thing, what can be thought) and what can not be expressed by pro[position]s,
but only shown (gezeigt); which, I believe, is the cardinal problem of philosophy."

His second and final book, Philosophical Investigations, was, basically the decentralisation of Philosophy per se.  

"In 1999 a survey among American university and college teachers ranked the Investigations as the most important book of 20th-century philosophy"

Back to the Tractatus; for Wittgenstein, the limits of language are the limits of philosophy. This is all fine and dandy were it not for the fact that Wittgenstein - in true Progressive fashion - conflated language (in general) and (the logic of) mathematics. He was a Padawan of the Zeitgeist of Frege, Russel and Gödel afterall. Formal Logic, a discipline within Philosophy, is simply too mechanistic, too Positivist, to fully express the vast scope of the symbolism language comprises. In short; Wittgenstein is guilty of anthropological reductionism... just like e.g. Al Gore implicitly blames all past, present and future wars on Climate Change. The latter's signifier obviously being CO2.

Back in the real world; Wittgenstein's Tractatus caused the decentralisation of language per se. In the Bible it is written that 'In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was God'. In short; If truth is enthroned, so is language.

All signifiers, in (normal) language, became "floaters" - absent fathers, so to speak. This resulted in all signifieds becoming orphans. E.g. 'there is not love, only evidence of love'.

This adultery of language gave rise to post-modernist philosophers like Derrida who made a career out of this overt linguistic promiscuity. His method of wrecking age-old genetically and culturally-determined signifier-signified marriages was deconstruction. It simply glorifies the grey zone within
dichotomies like, e.g. 'man' and 'women'... both genetically (as in penis and vagina) as well as culturally (as in traditional roles within a marriage).

Derrida, like Nietzsche and all other humans in the Universe, was born to a man and a woman. And yes, he is dead... snuffed by the indestructible signifier-signified marriage made in Heaven, Death.

Sunday 2 July 2017

Anti-property; The Philosopher's Stone of the Communist Utopia

'Talcum X' is certainly one of the wittiest monikers currently gracing memesphere. It is a play on words involving the white powder called Talcum and a famous American Black consciousness activist called Malcolm X. The butt of this joke is the social commentator and Black rights activist Shaun King who, despite being a white-as-snow Caucasian, is overtly giving himself out as a bona fide dyed-in-the-cotton Negro.

In a normal society, this brazen deception would have been seriously frowned upon and, at the very least, ridiculed as borderline schizophrenia. However, in our Zeitgeist this is seen as completely normal. Even more bizarre, it is, like the transmutation of the American C-list celebrity Bruce Jenner into ''Caitlyn'' Jenner, regarded as something positive, as something "liberating".

How could this be? How could the very physical properties - coded permanently into the DNA of these two pale males by Nature - be so wantonly discarded... cast aside and abolished, as if they never had any natural legitimacy per se?

Projection is the teleology of Western alchemy... of Platonism.

"Once the Philosopher's stone or powder of projection had been created, the process of projection would be used to transmute a lesser substance into a higher form, often lead into gold." (source)

The base ingredient/element of the Philosopher's Stone is known as prima materia.  It is the primitive formless base of all things... containing all the qualities and properties in/of the Universe, by default. And it is wonderful...

"That there abides in nature a certain pure matter, which, being discovered and brought by art to perfection, converts to itself proportionally all imperfect bodies that it touches." (source)

When asked to summarise Communism, Marx and Engels replied with a single sentence: "The abolition of private property". This, the abolition of property (not belonging to the state), is not a new idea. The father of (modern) Communism is Sir Thomas More. He was zealously "anti-property".
The state - all states, globally - should be the sole owner of all property/-ies. From this it follows that once the whole world is Communist, i.e. "propertyless", the end of politics (conflict) will be heralded in and Man will live happily ever after.

And yes, Thomas More wrote the book Utopia. And no, Communism didn't disappear with the fall of the Berlin Wall. It only metamorphosed. Anti-property, the Philosopher's Stone of Communism, is still being mixed and (sh)mashed into all and sundry.

Identity Politics is the abolition of human property/-ies...

... be it vis-à-vis the races, the sexes, or (even) ethnicities. Woe betide any man who dares question this new Commie Utopian imperative. Nobel Prize winner James Watson experienced this first-hand when he simply stated that...

... there is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically
separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically... Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so."

Dr Watson was subsequently ostracised from both the public and academic sphere. He recently had to sell his Nobel Prize medal because of financial difficulties. Alas, the Inquisition is merciless. It is blasphemy (hate-speech) when the existence of homo inecfigiatus, the shape/-propertyless/tabula rasa man, is called into question. Shaun King is black, Bruce Jenner is female, 64 genders and counting, and all non-whites,  be they Negro, Indian, Chinese, etc., are now suddenly POC (people of colour) - a shapeless mass with no discerning properties, apart from being wonderful...

Were it not so tragic, it would be seriously hilarious. Wantonly denying human difference/s - innate biological properties (also) determining behaviour - among, e.g. the races, has dire consequences for those affected, in real life - especially when it concerns whites living in black Africa. The co-founder of the Dark Enlightenment, Mencius Moldbug, brings it to the point perfectly;

"What's certain is that no attempt to construct a modern Western civilisation out of a hunter-gatherer or protoagricultual populations has been successful." (source - see comment section)

Alas, Nelson Mandela's Long Walk To Freetown is rapidly reaching the end of its journey. His legacy will finally bury him. #TIA.

Cultural Marxism, the abolition of Western cultural properties/products (German trans. Kulturgütter), carries on unabated. Like, e.g., changing all the European names of the cities and towns in Mandeadlatopia to Bantu names, exalting same-sex marriages and the banishing of Christian symbols from public and government spheres, and Western Clitoris-Rexes and sphincter elves openly support Sharia-supporting Muslims is the new normal.

In the academia, Wittgenstein's onomatopoeic attempt to test the internal consistency of Philosophy - like Gödel did for/to Mathematics - only led to the glorification of faggoty French anti-property philosophers like Foucault and Derrida. They started the great Paradigm Wars in the social sciences in the late-80s. Derrida's famous method of 'deconstruction' - exalting the (shapeless) grey zone within dichotomies - and Foucault's 'the body is the prison of the mind' infantilism directly led to the moronic feel-good LGBTQ personal-pronoun soup (e.g. 'ze', 'xi' and 'womzn') which made the Huffington Shitpost's Interpretivist-inspired one-swallow-makes-the-summer globally shared-community 'we-journalism' so popular.

All the above mentioned anti-property examples are but a fraction of the ongoing madness infesting the modern West. Not unlike (in) the Prometheus myth, wherever anti-property is mixed in for good Utopian measure, Man has his liver picked out most painfully; be it in Stalin's gulags, Pol Pot's Killing Fields, Rhodesia, the current Muslim and Negro invasion of Europe, or current Venezuela. Communist chaos reigns supreme all over the West. And things are about to get worse, much worse. Hegel's Geist, the, anima mundi, is hellbent on seducing the whole world.

Climatism (Global Warming/Climate Change) is the abolition of geopolitical property/-ies.

Never in history has one ideology been able to globally dictate two of the most important functions of sovereign nation-states namely, taxation and border control. Regarding the former, think carbon taxes. The latter; just think how semantic sorcery has changed 'illegal alien' into 'undocumented immigrant' to, finally, 'climate refugee' within the span of five short years. And yes, CO2 caused  the Syrian Civil War and Brexit, according to Al Gore.

Courtesy of the Commie Philosopher's Stone, anti-property, Man is truly (re)transmuting into something wonderful - the proto-Utopian Ür-Blob, the primal Atlantean anima materia, that can even control the weather like the mighty gods of lore... just ask Al Thor.

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Decentralising Morality; After Babel, the Blockchain

Pride comes before the fall.
(Proverbs 16:18)

Imagine not having someone or something to blame for the woes besetting Life. A (moral) world which effectively excludes powerful intermediaries acting as arbiters of "good and evil". No "Whiteness", no anti-semitism or CO2 to blame.

Such a world is now possible... provided the pride innate to Progressivism is finally negated.

Ever since Plato conflated Science and Morality, the West has been on a veritable Jihad to find the ultimate scapegoat. Plato, the proud philosopher, (symbolically) blamed some imaginary "evil" people deliberately holding the "ultimate potential" of Mankind, Reason, hostage in the cave of "unReason" (die Unvernuft). Now, 2300 years later, those supposedly freed hostages seriously believe they can "save" a 4.5 billion year-old planet which they did not create from a scapegoat, CO2, they believe they have created in the past 30 years. Don Quixote meets Dunning-Kruger.

Be that as it may; this anthropological reductionism (by Plato) - Reason as the ultimate teleology of existence - magically escaped its contextual setting and started a flurry of meta-solution attempts that brought about the reign of a bewildering array of powerful moral intermediaries vying for final Atlantian supremacy... be it human rights, Communism, Utilitarianism, democracy, Climatism or Egalitarianism/Equality. All have one thing in common, namely, they are Closed Moral Systems (henceforth, CMS) driven by human pride.

The writer sees pride as a combination of Deism and Thymos. Yet in doing so, the writer threatens to undermine the very premise of the argument... by "blaming". To paraphrase Derrida; It's impossible to escape the maw of Platonism. That said...

As in Boltzmann's Second Law of Thermodynamics, so in Moral Dynamics. Entropy in a closed system will eventually spread to the whole system. The (moral) entropy in Progressivism has always been systemic... for in its quest to bring about that "final" perfect state of Mankind, i.e. Utopia - e.g. Plato's dream of all unReason finally banished from the Universe - it must, by neccesity, be universal and a-historical. And precisely these two entropy-inducers, universalism and a-historicality,
have seen all Western attempts at Utopia fail so miserably ever since Plato started the whole moral-enineering back to the future Atlantis project, so to speak.

An example of a-historicality; Black South Africans blame White South Africans for having denied them (their) human rights when the latter colonised the country. Fact however is that human rights did not exist in 1652 when White first settled in South Africa. When truth be told, human rights only really came into being when the Rome of our Zeitgeist, America, granted full sufferage to Afro-Americans in 1965. It is therefore absurd of Black South Africans to try to assuage their egos/pride by blaming White South Africans for an anthropological reductionism - humanitarianism (as in human rights) - which simply did not exist at the time. In short; human rights are not a-historical.

An example of universalism; Afro-Americans demand reparations for slavery because they were not treated as equals back then. Fact is however that said Blacks did not treat their own kin in Africa as equals during, and before, that time too. It is not hard to imagine a new Black male slave back then raiding a fellow Black tribe for slaves to sell to White slavers just days before he was enslaved himself. When truth be told, the anthropological reductionism of "Equality" - as propagated by the American Founding Fathers - was strictly limited to British Presbytarian settlers wanting self-determination from the British Crown back then. It is therefore absurd of pride butt-hurt Afro-Americans to demand reparations for an anthropological reductionism - which escaped its original setting, the American Constitution - they themselves did not abide to before they were treated unequally (enslaved) by Whites. In short; Equality has never been universal.

Yet Progressives persist with their zealotry... their Plato-emboldened "Reason-driven" social-engineering utopianism. They have all the consent manufacturing tools at their disposal, especially the MSM and Hollywood. For example, in the latest Arthur movie, Sir Percival is a gook, Sir Lancelot a mullato and Merlin is a feisty young clitoris-Rex (a feminist). Hope is their greatest addiction. And therefore the entrophy in their hallowed CMSes spreads, accelerates.

Said chaos is witnessed by the ever-increasing disconnects in, especially, identity politics in America and South Africa. For example; in the former country, Evergreen State College has an annual Day of Absence in which all Whites are barred from the campus for one day in order to give POC a "safe space" from "Whiteness". The disconnect regarding Equality here is obvious. Whites have to be treated unequally in order for Equality to come to fruition. In other words, here Equality is seen as an ongoing process with discriminatory imperatives. But how can that be seeing that Equality
is supposed to be a-historical and universal? In short; equal-outcome egalitarianism is desconstructing the feel-proud myth of Equality at a blistering pace. The centre cannot hold... just another Shiny City on the Hill self-destructing.

Alas, this has been the sordid saga of Progressivsm for the past 2300 years. And pride certainly does seem to be at the root of all this man-made misery. A Platonist global world demands a globalised morality - also see Wagner's Law in this regard.

Things are bound to become increasingly worse. Identity politics has truly let the pride genie out of the bottle. The positions of the various discrete groupings can only harden. Frankly, ISIS didn't spring from the ground for no reason. Boko Haram literally means "Western knowledge is evil" - the perfect captor protagonists for a Plato's Cave movie.

Increasing conflict is inevitable. A wonderful example being the current moral predicament English-speaking White South Africans (the Eternal Anglo) currently find themselves in. Their political and cultural champion, the über-Progressive Helen Zille, leader of the official opposition in South Africa, was recently fired for merely stating that colonialism also had positive consequences in terms of the development of the country. It goes without saying that this is 100% true, but it obviously hurt the pride of the Bantu in South Africa because they were oppressed (humiliated) during that period. Universal and a-historical Equality, remember? How can one be humiliated when all are supposed to be equal - universally and eternally. Disconnect after disconnect.

Be that as it may, Zille's sacking caused outrage among the ever-pontificating Eternal Anglo in Mandeadlatopia because it, obviously, hurt their pride as being the most Progressive group... the "messiah" of/in the country, according to their egos, which, since 1948, has been stroked by blaming all the woes in the country on the Boers, a la Apartheid.

Rather silly, seeing that Apartheid was but the refinement of British colonial policies at the time. But then, the Eternal Anglo has always been a master at outsourcing guilt. Also #MAGA, remember? Nothing wrong with pride except when outsourcing guilt. One either has pride, or allow oneself to be willfully humiliated, like the Whites at Evergreen College. Having your cake and eating it simply does not work.

Given the above pride butt-hurt, just imagine said regarding Hitler's after WWI and the Treaty of Versailles, or, heaven forbid, the wounded pride of the most successful group in modern Western history, the Jew - after WWII. That's why Godwin's Law has become the (moral) Year Zero in the West. Even a pubescent Pygmy in the darkest Congo can simply scream "Nazi" at any White passing by in order to get the latter to cower in fear, humiliation and complete submission.

And so the blame game intensifies, accelerates - pride purity-spiralling back (in)to original ideologies... the usury of Morality. In this sense, political correctness is but a crutch for wounded pride, and "hate speech" the semantic plaster for the sore.

The question now arises whether it is possible for the West to escape from this suicidal death spiral of the CMSes that define the very core of Progressivism. The writer believes it is indeed possible, but only after the great implosion of the moral ontology based on Platonism.

Neoreactionary (henceforth, #NRx) thinkers have done sterling work in defining possible future politcal frameworks after the coming crash. For example, it is a fact that commerce is the only thing that all humans have agreed on in history. It is therefore amoral and perfectly suited as the foundation
of a new political dispensation in the West. In this context, see #NRx theory regarding Ancap, Sovcorp and Neocameralism. The fusion of an amoral system with an Open Moral System certainly seems to be the way to go.

Climatism is the Alamo of Progressivism and its infernal CMSes. It will bring about the final demise of universalism and a-historicality in terms of the moral sentiments of the West. When Plato conflated Science and Morality, he inevitably created Hawking's dream of a Unified Theory... as well as a Unified Devil. CO2 will fulfill the latter role.

It is therefore no wonder that Dark Enlightenment thinkers are eagerly awaiting the great Progressive Implosion. Exit is their battle-cry, their modus operandi. The most talented of them, the British philosopher Nick Land, fervently yearns for the AI singularity to lead Mankind out of this conundrum. Not unlike Heidegger's "only a god can save us" existentialism, Land's desperation resembles Ralph's (of Lord of the Flies fame) final dash to the beach... to seek the god that will save him. In Land's case, this god is AI. Mr Spock digitalised, so to speak. In a sense, it makes perfect sense for AI will have nobody to blame for the woes besetting Life. The first consciousness with full moral agency.

And precisely this should be the goal of the New West, of Occident 2.0. Pride sublimated as victimhood only leads to disaster. There will be no terrestrial Utopia, not now, not ever. Plato was a Deist.

Enter the Blockchain. Imagine 1000s of self-contained/referencing moral locales dotting geographic space in the West. All like AI. All  unbeholden to powerful intermediaries acting as final arbiters of "good and evil", like, e.g. Utilitarianism or Climatism. See, e.g. the Hotep-AltRight alliance. The moral locale here is "manosphere". Not unlike Communism, it even transcends race, believe it or not.

Patchwork morality is the future. For Whites, the creators of Western Civilisation, have lost the demographic war. Demography is fate (August Comte). The only option Whites have left is to circle the wagons a la #MAGA and #Brexit. The Blockchain is the perfect instrument to bring this about.  But first Plato must die. Science and Morality must be deconflated. The writer believes a fusion of the ultimate amoral system, Evolution, and the ultimate Open Moral System, Faith, will achieve
just that. For Life wants to live... without blame.

(to be continued)